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Humanitarian Activity

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Congenital heart diseases (abnormalities) are accidental events that affect mothers regardless of age and socioeconomic level. Greater prevalence has been observed among relatives’ marriages that leads to the chance of genetic cause of most congenital heart disease.

Despite the fact that the diagnosis of congenital heart disease is a major and painful fact for parents, the ability of a fully treatment of them at their highest percent is a reality and an indisputable right of every child.

According to Unicef, one in three children live in poverty today or are uninsured in Greece. This situation in the developing world is clearly more intence, and even in advanced countries there are cases where children – citizens of the advanced country – can not have access in the most advanced health services.

Our team, knowing the international and national guidelines, and believing in the right of medical care, regardless of the socio-economic levels of each family, has been making humanitarian activities by the start of the Clinic. Furthermore, in MITERA Children’s Hospital officially exists a program of medical research and treatment for children’s congenital heart diseases since 2015. Almost 105 open-heart surgeries and cardiac catheterizations, as well as 30 examinations, have been performed out of money, since 2015.

Our team’s concern is to provide holistic and high-quality treatment to all patients with congenital heart disease. Charitable associations such as “Child’s Heart”, “Children’s Hearts Association in Northern Greece”, “The Smile of the Child”, as well as other private and non-governmental organizations are also help us with the activity of the Clinic.

Our action continues not only in Athens, but also in the countryside, as well as abroad.

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